Managing Assets & Investments through an Idea Meritocracy, in which Relevant Work, Relationships & Experiences are pursued through Radical Transparency.

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Founded in 2019, DMHE A&I’s vision is to share the experience of Financial and Mental Freedom with our shareholders and partners.

Our mission is to be the world’s largest minority-owned asset management firm, overseeing both long & short term investments that employ our capital across the globe & deliver absolute returns.

Manage & Invested

15 Assets 7 Categories

Private & Publicly Traded
Our Clients Know

DMHE A&I is one of the most Resourceful & Diverse Asset Management and Investment Groups

We seek to partner with well-positioned companies with operational and strategic improvement potential and management teams to create value by driving revenue and growth. We manage investments and develop solutions across the full spectrum of asset classes, strategies and vehicles.

Today, we manage assets that focus on Advertising & Media, Film & Live Entertainment, Luxury Goods, Technology, Real Estate, Fashion, Food & Beverages, and charitable foundations.

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